The overall theme for Version 4 is "Simplification". I wanted my landing page be like a shortcut, and only brief information be shown on that page. The intention was to retain the user attention. First they'll look at the landing page, then the user will slowly navigate to other pages like the About Page, the Works By NRFZ page, and so on.
Of course, every new design has to be an improvement, right? Here's a comparison between the Old Design and the New Design.
Version 4 - Short and Compact, because each of the sections on the old version has been moved into their own pages
These redesigns were actually planned back in September 2023, including some procrastinations. Then I figured, why not I launch the redesigned website a year later? From Conceptualization to Execution, it was not an easy feat. All of these were being done single-handedly, and hey, it's finally done! What do you think of the redesign?